Thursday, October 15, 2015

Youth wings edutainment group as a one way of advocating sexual violence against  young girls.

Staff from Youth Wings facilitate in Universal Periodic Review ( UPR ) in Dar es Salaam conducted by CHESA.

Youth Wings educate the Drugs user who are  found in the camps/vijiwe.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Distribution of BCC materials like leaflets and brochures is a part of strategies used by youth wings to convey the message of behavior change for young people.
Kilimanjaro Initiative Support held at Loitoktok in Kenya with support of safer city program under UN harbitat.

Kilimanjaro Initiative Support held at Loitoktok in Kenya with support of safer city program under UN harbitat.

Participating in New Partnership for Africans Development (NEPAD) meeting in Dar es Salaam  conducted by WISE.

Some of youth From Different countries climbing mount Kilimanjaro during Kilimanjaro Initiatives support, at Mandara point in Mountain Kilimanjaro.

A young girls carrying a poster in commemoration of world Aids day.

Kilimanjaro Initiatives support photo

Kilimanjaro Initiative Support held at Loitoktok in Kenya with support of safer city program under UN harbitat.